WSU Pullman Campus Advisory Council
The WSU Pullman Advisory Council shall be trusted advisors and champions, committed to advancing the mission of WSU Pullman through connection, advocacy, and philanthropy.
Membership on an advisory council represents a commitment to improving WSU’s ability to affect society through education, scholarship, and outreach positively. The campus advisory council is a body organized to support the WSU Pullman chancellor or other appropriate institutional leader in advancing the campus’s mission. The advisory board is not part of the formal structure of Washington State University but is established by the chancellor to serve as a critical volunteer advisory, advocacy, and support structure for the campus.
The WSU Pullman Advisory Council is comprised of alumni and friends of the university. The advisory council will be co-chaired by two individuals, selected by the Chancellor. All members of the advisory council will be appointed by the Chancellor.
- Eligibility:
To be considered for WSU Pullman Advisory Council, individuals must:
a. Demonstrate needed expertise, time to dedicate to board service, and capacity to support the campus financially.
b. Have a current vested interest in WSU Pullman.
c. Not be a full-time employee of Washington State University.
- Terms
Each member will serve a three-year term, renewable once by mutual agreement with the Chancellor.
Chairs will be appointed to two-year terms, renewable once by mutual agreement with the Chancellor.
- Meeting schedule:
Meetings will be held quarterly, with in-person and virtual attendance options available.
- Attendance: Members are expected to attend the majority of meetings each year. The Chancellor may remove Advisory Council membership for individuals who consistently miss meetings without sufficient advance notice. Members should make every effort to attend the annual joint meetings of the WSU Campus Advisory Councils.
- Philanthropy: Each advisory council member is encouraged to support WSU Pullman at the President’s Associate annual giving level(s) or higher, although we realize that some members may choose to support the university in other ways. Members should also support the broader philanthropy goals of WSU by connecting the Chancellor and development officer(s) to potential donors.
- Advocacy: Members should advocate for their campuses and for WSU in their communities and with the legislature. During legislative sessions, members may be asked specifically to support WSU’s legislative agenda with outreach to their legislative delegations.
- Promotion: Upon selection to the Advisory Council, members must provide a photo and brief biography to the Chancellor’s Office as well as a release to use these materials in promotion efforts.
Matt Forge
Pullman Regional Hospital
Jordan Frost
Issaquah High School
Melanie Lange
Coldwell Banker Tomlinson
Tony Poston
Nick Pitsilionis
Black Cypress