The Spark building on a sunny day.

The Spark

Academic Innovation Hub
Avery Hall

The Spark is home to the Faculty Innovation Studio, Creative Corridor Headquarters, Nova Studio, and the following general university classrooms and learning spaces:

Student View

Looking out from the rear of the classroom over the six-chair tables of student seating and toward the front of the room where the instructor's podium, one display screen, and exterior windows are located. A door can be seen to the right of the front wall.


  • Layout: Collaborative
  • Capacity: 108
  • Furniture: Moveable chair, fixed table
  • Floor: Flat, carpeted
  • Technology: Standard; shared student technology, rolling whiteboards

Student View of Classroom

Looking out from the rear of the classroom over the five circular rows of student seating and toward the center of the room where the instructor's podium is located. Three windows, a door, and two whiteboards can be seen beyond the student seating. A circular bank of display monitors can be seen suspended from the ceiling.


  • Layout: Lecture-style
  • Capacity: 270
  • Furniture: Fixed chair, fixed table
  • Floor: Subtle tiering, carpet
  • Technology: Standard; videoconference optimized

Student View of Classroom


  • Layout: Collaborative
  • Capacity: 26
  • Furniture: Moveable chair, fixed table
  • Floor: Flat, carpeted
  • Technology: 26 workstation PCs provide individual access to the following production software:
    • Graphic Design, Video Editing, Web Development, and Photography: Adobe Creative Cloud (full suite)
    • 3D Design: Maya, 3DS Max, Fusion 360
    • Statistical Modeling: Matlab (web version only); R/R Studio
    • Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, OneNote

Student View of Classroom

Looking out from the rear of the classroom over the rows of student seating and toward the front of the room where the instructor's podium, one display screen, and two whiteboards are located.


  • Layout: Collaborative
  • Capacity: 40
  • Furniture: Moveable chair, moveable table
  • Floor: Flat, carpeted
  • Technology: Standard; videoconference optimized

Student View of Classroom

Looking out from the rear of the classroom over the six-chair tables of student seating and toward the front of the room where the instructor's podium and two exterior windows are located. Each student table has a shared monitor.


  • Layout: Collaborative
  • Capacity: 42
  • Furniture: Moveable chair, fixed table
  • Floor: Flat, carpeted
  • Technology: Standard; shared student technology, rolling whiteboards

Student View of Classroom

Looking out from the rear of the classroom over the four-chair tables of moveable student seating and toward the front of the room where the instructor's podium, a whiteboard, and two display screens are located. A door can be seen to the right of the front wall.


  • Layout: Collaborative
  • Capacity: 126
  • Furniture: Moveable chair, moveable table
  • Floor: Flat, carpeted
  • Technology: Standard

Student View of Classroom

Looking out from the rear of the classroom over the five-chair clusters of moveable student seating and toward the front of the room where the instructor's podium, two whiteboards and a display monitor are located. A door can be seen to the right of the front wall.


  • Layout: Collaborative
  • Capacity: 30
  • Furniture: Moveable chair, swinging tablet
  • Floor: Flat, carpeted
  • Technology: Standard; videoconference optimized

Student View of Classroom

Looking out from the rear corner of the classroom over the six-chair tables of moveable student seating and toward the front of the room where the instructor's podium, one whiteboard, and one display screen are located. A door can be seen in the right front corner of the room. Each student table has a large monitor for use.


  • Layout: Collaborative
  • Capacity: 81
  • Furniture: Moveable chair, fixed table
  • Floor: Flat, carpeted
  • Technology: Standard; shared student technology

Student View of Classroom

Looking out from the rear of the classroom over the eight-chair tables of moveable student seating and toward the front of the room where the instructor's podium and four whiteboards are located.


  • Layout: Collaborative
  • Capacity: 60
  • Furniture: Moveable chair, moveable table
  • Floor: Flat, carpeted
  • Technology: Standard

Student View of Classroom

Looking out from the rear corner of the classroom over the four-chair tables of moveable student seating and toward the front of the room where the instructor's podium and four whiteboards are located. A door can be seen in the front right corner of the room.


  • Layout: Collaborative
  • Capacity: 60
  • Furniture: Moveable chair, moveable table
  • Floor: Flat, carpeted
  • Technology: Standard

Student View of Classroom

Looking out from the rear of the classroom over the five-chair clusters of moveable student seating and toward the front of the room where the instructor's podium is located. A door can be seen to the right of the front wall.


  • Layout: Collaborative
  • Capacity: 30
  • Furniture: Moveable chair, swinging tablet
  • Floor: Flat, carpeted
  • Technology: Standard; videoconference optimized

Student View of Classroom

Looking out from the rear corner of the classroom over the four-chair tables of moveable student seating and toward the front corner of the room where the instructor's podium is located. Six whiteboards can be seen, where four of them line the front wall of the classroom and two of them line the side wall of the classroom.


  • Layout: Collaborative
  • Capacity: 60
  • Furniture: Moveable chair, moveable table
  • Floor: Flat, carpeted
  • Technology: Standard; videoconference optimized

Layout Diagram

Layout diagram of The Spark: Academic Innovation Hub, Room 335, General University Classroom. Seating capacity of 60, seating type is tables and chairs.
Larger view of layout

Student View of Classroom

Looking out from the rear of the classroom over the four-chair tables of moveable student seating and toward the front of the room where the instructor's podium and one whiteboard are located. A door can be seen in the front right corner of the room.


  • Layout: Collaborative
  • Capacity: 80
  • Furniture: Moveable chair, moveable table
  • Floor: Flat, carpeted
  • Technology: Standard

Collaboration rooms and huddle stations are scattered throughout the Pullman campus for student and faculty use. 

Most spaces feature a computer with a large flat screen monitor capable of displaying your carry-in device.  Many spaces also include a whiteboard for collaboration. 

To schedule: Library Calendar. For technical assistance: PIAT.

Spark G37 | Seats 8

Spark 139 | Seats 8

Spark 215 | Seats 7

Spark 217 | Seats 7

Spark 225 | Seats 6

Spark 312 | Seats 6

Spark 315 | Seats 8

Spark 317 | Seats 8

To schedule an event space in the Spark, please use 25Live.

Located on the second floor of Spark, this student space includes lounge furniture, collaboration stations, moveable chairs and tables, and power supplies.

The Atrium is centrally located on the Spark’s ground floor. The space includes stadium-style wood benches and lounge furniture.

Located on the third floor of the Spark, this student space includes lounge furniture, collaboration stations, moveable chairs and tables, and power supplies.

The Skyview Terrace is an outdoor lounge on the Spark’s third floor. The space includes lounge furniture and tables and chairs. The close proximity of Skyview terrace to the Skyview Lounge makes them attractive spaces to co-schedule, weather permitting.

Faculty may schedule these spaces to hold office hours or help sessions close to their classroom.

For scheduling: Library Calendar.

Spark 204 | Seats 4

Spark 214 | Seats 4

Spark 216 | Seats 4

Spark 218 | Seats 4

Spark 314 | Seats 6

The Spark features three state-of-the-art innovation spaces. Click on each to learn more about uses, programming, and scheduling.

Collaboration rooms and huddle stations are scattered throughout the Pullman campus for student and faculty use. 

Most spaces feature a computer with a large flat screen monitor capable of displaying your carry-in device.  Many spaces also include a whiteboard for collaboration. 

Scheduling: first come first served. For technical assistance: PIAT.

Spark G17

Spark 106

Spark 135

Spark 219

Spark 220

Spark 306

Spark 319