Pullman GUC 5-Year Plan

The Pullman GUC 5-Year Plan ensures that all GUC rooms receive regular maintenance and upgrades per state biennium budget request processes. The plan goes into effect with the start of the next biennium in 2026-28.

Student access and equity and evidence-based pedagogical practices shape decisions about maintenance and upgrades. The GUC committee considers both when recommending changes to capacity, layout, furniture, technological infrastructure, and learning modalities.

The 5-Year Plan is continually evaluated and adjusted per the campus strategic plan, including the facilities condition index, along with other student and faculty teaching and learning needs.

  • BRYAN (4 rooms)
  • CLARK (3 rooms)
  • DAGGY (2 rooms)
  • GOERTZEN (1 room)
  • PEB (1 room)
  • SMITH GYM (2 rooms)
  • THOMPSON (8 rooms)
  • WEGNER (2 rooms)
  • WEBSTER (5 rooms)

  • ABELSON (1 room)
  • AVERY (6 rooms)
  • FINE ARTS (1 room)
  • HULBERT (2 rooms)
  • JOHNSON (2 rooms)
  • KIMBROUGH (1 room)
  • MURROW (3 rooms)
  • SPARK (12 rooms)

  • CARPENTER (2 rooms)
  • TODD (28 rooms)

  • ADBF (1 room)
  • BUSTAD (1 room)
  • COLLEGE (4 rooms)
  • FSHN (1 room)
  • SLOAN (12 rooms)
  • TERRELL (2 rooms)

  • CUE (18 rooms)
  • EME (1 room)
  • FULMER (4 rooms)
  • WILSON-SHORT (3 rooms)
  • Additional learning space infrastructure