Kamiak high performance computing cluster.

Technology and Support

Classroom Support

Pullman classroom technology support is provided by Pullman Integrated Academic Technologies (PIAT) under the umbrella of Information Technology Services (ITS).


For assistance with technology in a general university classroom, please contact PIAT:

For assistance with wireless connectivity, email, Microsoft Teams, your WSU account, or your WSU credentials, please contact Crimson Service Desk:

Support Hours

  • Summer: 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Academic Year: 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

If you are teaching in a departmental classroom and need technical assistance, you should contact your department’s technical support staff.

Classroom Technology

Pullman general university classrooms are equipped with advanced technology that supports a wide variety of media presentation, lecture capture, student collaboration and engagement, and connection to remote presenters and campus participants.

What comes standard in all classrooms?

Users have the ability display digital content from local devices, including a computer and document camera, or devices they may carry with them. Network connectivity is available in all WSU facilities for both instructors and students. Audio support is available for media and voice.

If you are using your own device…

Instructors are encouraged to bring their own cables and adapters to connect any additional devices to the equipment provided in a classroom. At this time, PIAT is unable to supply these accessories. If you have concerns about connecting your personal device, contact PIAT.

Classroom Technology Types

Visit our locations and layouts section for specification lists of the technology available in each general university classroom.

classroom rear


In all GUCs, users have the ability to display digital content from local devices, including a computer and document camera, or devices they may carry with them. Network connectivity is available in all WSU facilities for both instructors and students. Audio support is available for media and voice.
Looking out from the front of the classroom over the five-chair clusters of moveable student seating and toward the back of the room, a whiteboard and a display monitor are seen on the back wall. There is a door to the left of the whiteboard and display.

Video-conference optimization

GUCs with video-conference optimization have cameras designed to send and receive instruction from remote participants on other WSU campuses. Beginning 2024, all new or remodeled GUCs per the 5-year plan will have video-conference optimization.
Looking out from the front of the classroom over the tables of student seating and toward the back of the room. A series of small poster-sized whiteboards are seen lining the walls with six on the left wall, six on the back wall, and three on the right wall.

Shared student technology

GUCs with shared student technology cluster groups of up to six students at a table that has a shared monitor, keyboard, and trackpad. These rooms are best utilized for regular student collaboration on projects or assignments that require database access, web design, real-time collaborative editing, etc.

Additional Classroom Support

For unique learning accommodations, contact the Access Center.

For classroom maintenance issues unrelated to technology or accommodations, contact Facilities and Operations.