The Spark and Waller Hall buildings on the WSU Pullman campus.

Governance and Planning

Pullman General University Classroom Committee

The Pullman General University Classroom Committee meets regularly to discuss planning and support for Pullman general university classrooms. The committee ensures modernized learning spaces are available to support the university’s academic mission.

The Pullman General University Classroom committee includes representation from Pullman Integrated Academic Technologies, Facilities & Operations, faculty teaching in a college with an instructional presence in Pullman, and the Office of the Registrar. The Office of the Provost appoints membership and leads its charges.

Committee Charges

  • Review and revise 5-year classroom plan
  • Review utilization reports
  • Make recommendations for classroom projects
  • Review project budgets
  • Direct action to the subcommittees and ad hoc work groups
  • Manage long-term planning for Pullman General University Classrooms

Bill Davis (chair)Vice Provost for Academic Engagement and Student AchievementOffice of the Provost
Rob BakerCollaborative Technology Support CoordinatorOffice of the Provost
Jill FreudenAssistant RegistrarOffice of the Registrar
Michelle GaleyAssistant ProfessorEdward R. Murrow College of Communications
Karen GarrettProject ManagerPullman Integrated Academic Technologies, Information Technology Services
Season HoardScholarly ProfessorCollege of Arts and Sciences
Don HulstGIS, Space DirectorFacilities Services
Bob KrikacAssociate ProfessorVoiland College of Engineering and Architecture
Jon ManwaringAcademic Technology ArchitectOffice of the Provost
Erika OfferdahlProfessor / DirectorCollege of Veterinary Medicine / Transformational Change Initiative, Office of the Provost
Mary PackerInstructional Technology SpecialistOffice of the Provost
Jacqueline SouthwickDirectorPullman Integrative Academic Technology, Information Technology Services
Clif StrattonAssistant Vice Provost for Academic EngagementOffice of the Provost
Samantha SwindellAssociate Dean, Undergraduate StudiesCollege of Arts and Sciences
David WhidbeeAssociate DeanCarson College of Business
Robin WilliamsClassroom Access and Assistive Technology CoordinatorAccess Center

Projects subcommittee

The projects subcommittee provides recommendations for Pullman classroom improvement projects for short term opportunities as well as long term classroom facility planning.  As needed and directed by GUC Committee, the project subcommittee researches and reviews specific classroom requests and report the findings and recommendations to the General University Classroom Committee.


  • Research, review and recommend specific classroom preservation and improvement projects.  Projects include not only improvements in audio-visual equipment, but also the furnishings and other room features.
  • Obtain preliminary cost estimates and scopes of work for classroom project proposals.
  • Make recommendations concerning long-range planning for improvements to the general university classrooms.  
  • Consult with the main GUC committee, support areas, and other subcommittees, as needed.

Utilization subcommittee

The utilization subcommittee reviews semester utilization statistics and reports significant changes or areas of interest to the Pullman General University Classroom Committee for internal purposes as well as impact on statewide capacity studies. As needed, the subcommittee researches and reviews ad hoc requests received from departments or central administration and makes recommendations to the Pullman GUC committee regarding the same.


  • Review and discuss semester utilization statistics and trends 
  • Make recommendations to the GUC committee as to proposed changes to the classroom inventory
  • Perform classroom simulations as needed and as projects dictate
  • Consult with other GUC subcommittees and departmental schedulers as needed.

Visioning subcommittee

The visioning subcommittee makes recommendations to the Pullman GUC committee related to current teaching methods and practices. It evaluates broadly the types of technology, spaces, and infrastructure the university needs to maintain vibrant, modern, and relevant teaching spaces. Input from this subcommittee informs biennial budget requests and long-range planning.


  • Annually evaluate teaching practices in relation to available teaching facilities (auditoria, lecture, collaborative, u-shaped, shared student technology, etc.)
  • Host annual classroom visioning sessions to gather feedback and share GUC Committee findings and project planning.
  • Provide input to inform biennial budget requests, long-range planning, utilization analysis, and specific project details.
  • Consult with other GUC subcommittees as needed.

Jon Manwaring (chair)Office of the Provost
Sheree CollinsOffice of the Registrar
Jill FreudenOffice of the Registrar
Karen GarrettPullman Integrated Academic Technologies, Information Technology Services
Stacy GravelFacilities Services
Richard Hull, Jr.Facilities Services
Don HulstFacilities Services
Carrie JohnsonInformation Technology Services
Jacqueline SouthwickPullman Integrative Academic Technology, Information Technology Services
Melissa WingOffice of the Registrar

Bill Davis (chair)Office of the Provost
Jill FreudenOffice of the Registrar
Don HulstFacilities Services
Jon ManwaringOffice of the Provost

Clif Stratton (chair)Office of the Provost
Rob BakerOffice of the Provost
Michelle GaleyEdward R. Murrow College of Communications
Season HoardCollege of Arts and Sciences
Bob KrikacVoiland College of Engineering and Architecture
Jon ManwaringOffice of the Provost
Erika OfferdahlCollege of Veterinary Medicine / Transformational Change Initiative, Office of the Provost
Mary PackerOffice of the Provost
Jacqueline SouthwickPullman Integrated Academic Technology
Samantha SwindellCollege of Arts and Sciences
David WhidbeeCarson College of Business
Robin WilliamsAccess Center