Welcome to the new Pullman classroom site

Aerial overview of the WSU Pullman campus. Bryan tower appears in the lower right and Terrel Library appears in the lower right.

With the transition of Pullman General University Classroom management from Academic Outreach and Innovation (AOI) to a partnership between the Office of the Provost and the Office of the Pullman Chancellor, we are excited to introduce this new resource for faculty and students to explore the learning spaces they use.

Visitors will find updated images, classroom specs, and layout diagrams, as well as links to 360 panorama views of all Pullman GUCs in the Locations and Layouts section.

The site features a Technology and Support page that describes the types of technology that can be found in GUCs and connects users to the newly formed Pullman Integrated Academic Technology team for all in-classroom technology needs. Access Center and Facilities and Operations links are also provided.

Finally, visitors can learn about the faculty-administration partnerships that drive Governance and Visioning of Pullman GUCs, and can easily connect to the Registrar’s classroom Scheduling platform.

Questions or suggestions about the site can be directed to Jon Manwaring or Clif Stratton.