Spring Semester Welcome

Greetings, Cougs!

Happy 2024, and happy spring semester! I’m excited to welcome all our new and returning Cougs back to campus amidst the arrival of winter here on the Palouse.

Time away from the routine of the semester allows us to take stock of all that we’re thankful for, and a new semester brings with it a sense of excitement and opportunity. At the same time, many in our community are reeling from the continuing violence and loss of life in the Middle East, and its ripple effects on college campuses and beyond.

With the current state of world events and upcoming national elections, it’s important to remember why we are all here at WSU: to educate ourselves and each other, and to strive to make our communities and the world a better place. WSU Pullman is committed to being a place where we can share opinions, celebrate diverse backgrounds and beliefs, and ultimately gain a better understanding of the many voices that make up our Cougar community.

I encourage you all to engage in these conversations with your peers and to always do so with thoughtfulness and respect. Hate has no place at WSU, and we are committed to responding to such acts with education, resources, and formal sanctions as appropriate. “Hate has no place here” flyers (pdf) are available for download. WSU’s Compliance and Civil Rights (CCR) website has a set of comprehensive resources and reporting information for students, faculty, and staff, as well as relevant WSU policies and procedures. If you have been a victim of or have witnessed harassment or discrimination, please report it. CCR is available to consult with students and staff about their concerns and university response options, and your preferences will be taken into consideration. Please help us spread the word!

At WSU Pullman, the Community Equity Response Team (CERT) is actively reviewing overarching issues impacting campus climate. CERT is in the process of setting up a comprehensive website—in the meantime, learn more about the group and its charge online. If you are aware of incidents on campus or globally that CERT should be aware of, please email pullman.cert@wsu.edu.

Finally, I strongly encourage you to attend or watch the following events and discussions hosted by the Thomas S. Foley Institute for Public Policy and Public Service:

Bipartisan electoral reform and the 2024 election (pdf)
Monday, January 22, 2024
4:30 p.m.
Foley Speaker’s Room, Bryan Hall 308
Join Kim Wyman, former Washington State Secretary of State and current senior fellow at the Bipartisan Policy Center as she discusses how we can ensure that our nation’s elections remain accessible, secure, and accurate.

Israel and Palestine: Understanding the conflict (pdf)
Thursday, February 1, 2024
4:30 p.m.
CUB Auditorium
Join Dana El Kurd, a scholar of Palestinian politics and the Middle East at the University of Richmond, and Avishay Ben-Sassonn-Gordis, a scholar of civil-military relations from Hebrew University for a discussion on the history of conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Thank you for all you do to support a sense of belonging and safety for our Cougar community. Cougs help Cougs, and Cougs help everyone!

Best wishes for a successful semester!